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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - powerful


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка powerful на русский


1) мощный (напр. о критерии)

2) производительный (напр. о компьютере)

most powerfuluniformly most powerful

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См. в других словарях

  1) обладающий большой вычислительной мощностью (об ЭВМ или вычислительном устройстве)2) энергоёмкий (о производственном оборудовании); мощный, высокомощный ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  adj.  1) сильный, могучий, мощный  2) могущественный, влиятельный  3) сильнодействующий  4) веский; значительный; powerful evidence - веские доказательства; powerful success - крупный успех  5) яркий (о речи, описании) Syn: see strong ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сильный, мощный, могучий powerful blow —- сильный (мощный) уудар powerful hand —- сильная рука powerful machine —- мощная машина powerful country —- могущественная страна 2. сильнодеййствующий, сильный powerful drug —- сильнодействующее лекарство powerful argument —- веский (сильный, убедительный) довод 3. яркий, сильный powerful speech —- яркая (впечатляющая) речь 4. диал. разг. многочисленный, большой powerful crop —- богатый урожай a powerful lot of money —- много денег, большие деньги 5. простореч. сильно, очень he was powerful tired —- он сильно (шибко) устал ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  прил. сильный, мощный, могучий; влиятельный - powerful tool Syn: energetic ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) могущий 2) мощный 3) сильный asymptotically most powerful rank test — асимптотически наиболее мощный ранговый критерий locally most powerful test — локально наиболее мощный критерий locally powerful domain — локально мощная область somewhere most powerful test — кое-где наиболее мощный критерий uniformly most powerful — равномерно наиболее мощный (о критерии) uniformly most powerful test — равномерно наиболее мощный критерий - locally powerful - most powerful - powerful domain - powerful test ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. 1 having much power or strength. 2 politically or socially influential. Derivatives powerfully adv. powerfulness n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Date: 15th century  1. having great power, prestige, or influence a ~ leader  2. leading to many or important deductions a ~ set of postulates  • ~ly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A powerful person or organization is able to control or influence people and events. You’re a powerful man–people will listen to you. ...Russia and India, two large, powerful countries. ADJ see also all-powerful 2. You say that someone’s body is powerful when it is physically strong. Hans flexed his powerful muscles... ADJ • powerfully He is described as a strong, powerfully-built man of 60... ADV: ADV with v 3. A powerful machine or substance is effective because it is very strong. ...powerful computer systems... Alcohol is also a powerful and fast-acting drug. ADJ: usu ADJ n • powerfully Crack is a much cheaper, smokable form of cocaine which is powerfully addictive. ADV: ADV adj 4. A powerful smell is very strong. There was a powerful smell of stale beer. = strong ADJ: usu ADJ n • powerfully The railway station smelt powerfully of cats and drains. ADV: ADV after v 5. A powerful voice is loud and can be heard from a long way away. At that moment Mrs. Jones’s powerful voice interrupted them, announcing a visitor. = loud ADJ 6. You describe a piece of writing, speech, or work of art as powerful when it has a strong effect on people’s feelings or beliefs. ...Bleasdale’s powerful 11-part drama about a corrupt city leader. ADJ • powerfully It’s a play–painful, funny and powerfully acted. ADV: ADV -ed, ADV after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »IMPORTANT« a powerful person, organization, group etc is able to control and influence events and other people's actions  (The president is the most powerful man in America and probably the world. | a powerful consortium of European companies) 2 »AFFECTING SB'S FEELINGS/IDEAS« having a strong effect on someone's feelings or on the way they think  (Jealousy is such a powerful emotion. | a powerful speech | The film uses a powerful blend of images and words. | powerful reasons/arguments (=reasons that make you think that something must be true)) 3 »MACHINE/WEAPON ETC« a powerful machine, engine, weapon etc works very effectively and quickly or with great force  (a new generation of more powerful PCs | The Jaguar XJ 12 features a powerful 24 valve engine.) 4 »MEDICINE« a powerful medicine or drug has a very strong effect on your body  (The drug is a thousand times more powerful than LSD.) 5 »PHYSICALLY STRONG« physically strong  (Jed was a powerful, well-built man. | powerful jaws that can kill in seconds) 6 »TEAM/ARMY ETC« a powerful team, army etc is very strong and can easily defeat other teams or armies  (The Allies had assembled a powerful fighting force.) 7 »LIGHT/SOUND/TASTE/SMELL« very strong, bright, loud etc  (The alarm emits a powerful high-pitched sound.) 8 »EXPLOSION/KICK/PUNCH ETC« a powerful blow, explosion etc hits someone with a lot of force or has a lot of force  (an explosion ten times more powerful than Hiroshima | a powerful header just over the bar) - powerfully adv  (Christie is very powerfully built.)  (- see also all­powerful) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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